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Aug 27, 2023
Fighting Through The Tides of Life
Sometimes life beats us up into a pulp, with the dead ends, the challenges, the failures, disappointments and the bitterness of hope. We...

Aug 27, 2023
Why Do You Consider Yourself The Right Candidate For This Position?(a Common Interview Question)
If you are preparing for an interview and need assistance in answering the question, “Why do you consider yourself the right candidate...

Aug 27, 2023
What to Do When Scheduled For an Interview
Congratulations on getting scheduled for an interview! It’s a significant opportunity to showcase your skills and experiences to...

Aug 27, 2023
Why Recruiters Are Rejecting You (5 Behold Career Nuggets)
While I understand that receiving feedback about why recruiters may be rejecting you can be disheartening, it’s important to approach it...

Aug 27, 2023
3 LIFE CHANGING PILLARS (The Power of Time, Opportunities, and Personal Identity)
Life is a remarkable journey filled with twists, turns, and defining moments that shape our paths and destinies. As we navigate through...

Aug 27, 2023
Collecting Debts in Life
Most of us walk around carrying the world on our shoulders. We feel like we owe so many debts and so much is owed to us. Even as we get...

Aug 27, 2023
4 Examples of the Perfect Elevator Pitch for Interviews
Don’t let a boring elevator pitch stand in the way of you getting your dream job. We’ve created the perfect elevator pitch examples to...
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