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Education Officer (Special Needs) job at Jinja District Service Commission | Apply Now

Are you looking for Education jobs in Uganda 2024 today? then you might be interested in Education Officer (Special Needs) job at Jinja District Service Commission

Jinja, Uganda

Full Time


25 Nov 2024

About the Organisation

Before 1906, Jinja was a fishing village that benefited from being located on long-distance trade routes. The origin of the name “Jinja” comes from the language of the two peoples (the Bagandaand the Basoga) that lived on either side of the River Nile in the area. In both languages “Jinja” means “Rock”. In most of Africa, rivers like the Nile hindered migration, this explains the ethnic boundaries along the Nile as one moves north from the river’s source on the northern shores of Lake Victoria.

However the area around Jinja was one place where the river could be breached due to the large rocks near the Ripon Falls. Here, on either bank of the river, were large flat rocks where small boats could be launched to cross the river. These rock formations were also accredited with providing a natural moderator for the water flow out of Lake Victoria. For the original local inhabitants, the location was a crossing point, for trade, migration and as a fishing post.

Job Title

Education Officer (Special Needs) job at Jinja District Service Commission

Jinja District Service Commission

Job Description

Applications are invited from suitably qualified Ugandans to fill the under listed vacant posts. Applications should be submitted in triplicate on Public Service Commission Form No. 3 (2008) to the Secretary District Service Commission, P.O. Box 1551, Jinja to be received not later than 25 November 2024.

Application forms are obtainable from the Public Service Commission - Farmers House Kampala or any District/City Service Commission offices. Hand written applications with detailed CVs are also acceptable. Applications should bear the title of the post and the reference number specified against each post.

Applicants should attach three sets of certified photocopies of their full academic certificates, transcripts and slips, national identification and three recently certified passport size photographs.
Serving officers should route their applications through their Responsible Officers who should be informed of the closing date to avoid late submissions.

Applicants who shall not hear from the District Service Commission on completion of the selection exercise should consider themselves unsuccessful.

Duties, Roles and Responsibilities

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Qualifications, Education and Competencies

How to Apply

The detailed Job Descriptions and Person Specifications can be viewed from any of the following points: Ministry of Public Service Website: Jinja District Local Government Headquarters Notice Boards and Office of the Secretary, Jinja District Service Commission.

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